Tax Consulting Services
We help you to fulfill tax obligations according to the legal provisions applicable tax. Namely in terms of calculating, preparing and paying taxes owed to the SSP, and report it to the tax office listed places. We will serve the ongoing consultation and consultation on specific taxation issues are being faced by your company. This is to provide the best solutions for tax issues facing your company. The service can be done via e-mail, fax, telephone, teleconference, or a direct meeting with our consultant team.
Tax Compliance Services
We help you to fulfill tax obligations according to the legal provisions applicable tax. Namely in terms of calculating, preparing and paying taxes owed to the SSP, and report it to the tax office listed places. Which includes: SPT Tax Article 21/26, SPT Final Income Tax Article 23 SPT, SPT VAT (Value Added Tax) / VAT BM (SPT during Manual or eSPT VAT)
Tax Planning Services
We assist you in planning to improve the efficiency of tax management by identifying the best alternative according to the rules applicable tax. This service also includes a scheme of arrangement transaction in accordance alternative accounting method, which aims to minimize the tax burden and maximize your company's profitability.
Assessing Services Tax
We help you to review the corporate tax compliance, identify potential tax your company and provide recommendations to minimize the tax burden. We will be reviewing all business activities that have an impact on the incidence of the tax burden. Including the evaluation of data and transactions at the time the company will make tax refunds. This service also includes a review of tax compliance for pre-IPO, merger, liquidation, etc.
Assistance Services in examination
We will provide guidance and represent your company or if conducted tax audits by tax inspectors. This is to make sure your company receives a tax assessment in accordance with the real situation, which is feared because of ignorance of the company in the inspection would cause the tax burden on businesses. Here we will also assist you in preparing documents and enterprise accounting scheme that is needed in the inspection process.
Restitution Services Tax
We assist you in preparing, delivering up to completion of the restitution process Taxes your company, both past and annual basis. This is to ensure your company obtain tax refunds expected and the company's corresponding course in accordance with applicable tax regulations.
Tax Dispute Resolution Services
We help you in the settlement of the tax dispute, the objection process tax in tax court appeals process to the process of PK in the Supreme Court. This service is intended to ensure that the tax disputes resolved fairly and according to the rules applicable tax.
Tax Administration Services
Our service is to help your company in dealing with tax administration effectively and efficiently. This service includes, among other things, registration and / or revocation of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and / or the inaugural Entrepreneur Taxable (PKP), the process of transfer (PBB) account taxes, request books in foreign languages and foreign currency, concentration of VAT , etc.
Tax Training
We provide tax training programs for the staff of your company in order to increase knowledge and skills in taxation. The topics of our training will be customized based on the needs of companies in order to achieve the expected goals of your company.
International Taxation
We assist your company in the global business process in which the transaction will involve a cross-country tax rules. We will analyze the problems in complex international tax your company in order to minimize the tax burden and to meet the requirements of tax compliance in Indonesia and in the jurisdiction of another State in cooperation with affiliated companies. These services include but are not limited to: T / P Doc, tax planning for cross-border transactions, etc.